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List of 15 authors like Becky Chambers

Becky Chambers is known for her character-driven science fiction with a focus on personal stories and diversity, often exploring themes of space travel and alien cultures with an optimistic and hopeful tone. Here are 15 authors who write novels with similar themes or styles to Becky Chambers:

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    Catherynne M. Valente – Author of “Space Opera,” which has a vibrant and quirky take on interstellar cultures, much like Chambers’ work.
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    Martha Wells – Known for the “Murderbot Diaries,” which features a character-driven narrative focusing on a security droid seeking its identity and autonomy.
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    Ann Leckie – Author of the “Imperial Radch” series, known for its complex world-building and exploration of AI consciousness.
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    Kameron Hurley – Writes character-driven and diverse science fiction such as “The Stars Are Legion,” exploring unique societies and relationships.
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    N.K. Jemisin – While more known for her fantasy, her science fiction work “The City We Became” also promotes diversity and inclusivity in a speculative setting.
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    Emily St. John Mandel – Known for “Station Eleven,” which offers character-rich storytelling, albeit with a more post-apocalyptic flavor.
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    Charlie Jane Anders – Author of “The City in the Middle of the Night,” which provides a character-driven narrative with deep world-building.
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    John Scalzi – His “Old Man’s War” series and standalones like “Redshirts” mix humor and humanity in a compelling science fiction setting.
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    Kim Stanley Robinson – Known for his “Mars Trilogy,” Robinson explores space colonization and ecological themes through rich character development.
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    Adrian Tchaikovsky – Writes science fiction with deep characterization and world-building; “Children of Time” is a notable example.
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    Claire North – Her speculative fiction often explores complex themes through the lens of individual experiences, such as in “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August.”
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    Nicola Griffith – Author of “Ammonite,” a novel that, like Chambers’ work, explores alien planets and humanity’s ability to adapt.
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    Lois McMaster Bujold – Writes character-centered science fiction with thoughtful social commentary, notably the “Vorkosigan Saga.”
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    Aliette de Bodard – Known for the “Xuya” universe, which features a blend of Vietnamese culture and space opera elements.
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    Karen Lord – Author of “The Best of All Possible Worlds,” which has a strong focus on characters and their relationships, set within a diverse and multi-species universe.

Each of these authors crafts stories that delve into the emotional and personal side of speculative fiction, often touching on similar themes of diversity, inclusivity, and exploration that fans of Becky Chambers might appreciate.