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List of 15 authors like Malcolm Gladwell

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    Daniel Kahneman: Daniel Kahneman is a psychologist who received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his work that blends psychology with economics, especially in the areas of judgment and decision-making. His book, “Thinking, Fast and Slow,” explores how we think in ways that Malcolm Gladwell's fans might find captivating due to its insightful examinations of human behavior.
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    Steven Levitt: Steven Levitt is an economist and co-author of “Freakonomics,” a book series exploring unique and unexpected aspects of economics in everyday life. His writing combines data-driven insights with engaging storytelling, similar to Malcolm Gladwell's approach to unraveling complex social phenomena.
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    Stephen Dubner: Stephen Dubner is a writer like Malcolm Gladwell because they both explore social sciences through accessible storytelling in their books. They each have a talent for making complex ideas understandable to a wide audience.
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    Daniel Pink: Daniel Pink is an author who writes about work, management, and behavioral science. If you like Malcolm Gladwell's style that blends storytelling with social science, Pink's books might pique your interest with similar insights into human behavior and motivation.
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    Adam Grant: What makes Adam Grant a writer like Malcolm Gladwell is that both explore human behavior and success in their works, and they have a talent for making complex psychological and social science research accessible to a wide audience.
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    Charles Duhigg - Author of “The Power of Habit,” which explains how habits are formed and how they can be changed to improve our personal and professional lives.
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    Nicholas Taleb - A philosopher and statistician known for his work on risk and probability in the books “The Black Swan” and “Antifragile.”
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    Robert Cialdini - Known for his book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,” he explores why people say “yes” and how to apply these understandings.
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    Chip Heath and Dan Heath - Co-authors of several books, including “Made to Stick,” which analyzes why some ideas thrive while others die, and “Switch,” about how to change things when change is hard.
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    Jonah Berger - Writes about social influence and viral marketing in books like “Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age.”
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    Susan Cain - Author of “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking,” exploring introversion and the contributions of introverts to society.
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    Dan Ariely - An expert in behavioral economics, his book “Predictably Irrational” examines the hidden forces that shape our decisions.
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    Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Known for “The Black Swan,” a book that examines the impact of highly improbable and unpredictable events that have massive impact.
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    Simon Sinek - Focuses on leadership and motivation, best known for his book “Start with Why,” which looks at how great leaders inspire everyone to take action.
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    Atul Gawande - A surgeon and author who writes about medicine and the complexities of healthcare in the modern world, as seen in his book “Being Mortal.”