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List of 15 authors like Robert Greene

If you're a fan of Robert Greene's books that delve into strategy, power, and human behavior, you might also like the following authors.

They explore similar subjects, offering valuable perspectives on psychology, strategic thinking, power relationships, and self-development:

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    Niccolò Machiavelli – Niccolò Machiavelli was a 16th-century Italian diplomat and writer, most famous for his political treatise “The Prince.” His works offer insights on power dynamics and statecraft that may intrigue a reader who appreciates Robert Greene's exploration of strategy and manipulation.
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    Sun Tzu – Sun Tzu was an ancient Chinese military strategist who wrote “The Art of War,” a treatise offering wisdom on effective conflict management and strategy. If you appreciate Robert Greene's works, you might find Sun Tzu's insights on power dynamics and warfare tactics both intriguing and useful.
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    Daniel Goleman – Daniel Goleman is an author who specializes in emotional intelligence and psychology. His book “Emotional Intelligence” explores the impact of emotions on our personal and professional success.
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    Nassim Nicholas Taleb – Nassim Nicholas Taleb is an author and former trader whose work focuses on uncertainty, probability, and the unpredictability of global events. His books, such as “The Black Swan” and “Antifragile,” explore how random and rare incidents can have significant impact, offering insights that might intrigue a reader of Robert Greene's explorations of power and strategy.
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    Steven Pinker – Steven Pinker is a respected scientist a prolific writer whose work often explores the nature of human thought and societal development. If you appreciate the strategic insights in Robert Greene's books, you might find Pinker's analytical approach to understanding human behavior and the progression of society equally intriguing.
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    Malcolm Gladwell – Author of “Outliers,” “Blink,” and “The Tipping Point,” exploring the unexpected factors that influence the successful.
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    Dale Carnegie – Best known for “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” a classic in self-improvement and social skills.
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    Jordan B. Peterson – A psychologist known for “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos,” discussing psychological insights and life advice.
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    Ryan Holiday – Writes about stoicism and its applications in modern life, including “The Obstacle Is the Way.”
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    Jocko Willink – A former Navy SEAL commander and co-author of “Extreme Ownership,” a book on leadership and discipline.
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    Cal Newport – Best-selling author of “Deep Work” and “Digital Minimalism,” which focus on productivity and focused success in a distracted world.
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    James Clear – Known for “Atomic Habits,” which delves into habit formation and behavior change.
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    Simon Sinek – Author of “Start With Why” and “Leaders Eat Last,” focusing on leadership and organizational success.
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    Daniel Kahneman – A Nobel laureate in Economics, known for his book “Thinking, Fast and Slow,” exploring decision-making and behavioral economics.
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    Yuval Noah Harari – Historian and author of “Sapiens,” “Homo Deus,” and “21 Lessons for the 21st Century,” known for his broad perspectives on human history, future, and society's challenges.

Each of these authors provides insights that align with the analytical and strategic themes that are hallmark of Robert Greene's works.

Whether it's ancient philosophy, modern psychology, or leadership strategies, readers seeking to understand and navigate complex social dynamics will likely find value in these authors' writing.