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List of 19 subreddits about philosophy

  1. (about 20M members)

    r/philosophy is a very large subreddit about philosophy with millions of members.

  2. (about 300K members)

    The purpose of the r/askphilosophy subreddit is to provide well-researched answers to philosophical questions.

  3. (about 200K members)

    Do you like existentialist philosophers like Søren Kierkegaard, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Albert Camus? If you are interested in questions related to the meaning of human existence, head over to the r/Existentialism subreddit and join the discussions.

  4. (about 100K members)

    Perhaps you have enjoyed reading Thomas Kuhn’s book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” or maybe you like the writings of Karl Popper. If you want to discuss the philosophy of science, check out the r/PhilosophyofScience subreddit.

  5. (about 90K members)

    If you are a native Portuguese speaker and you like philosophy (or if you simply like to talk about philosophy in Portuguese) head over to the r/Filosofia subreddit.

  6. (about 50K members)

    Are you a graduate student in philosophy or a professor? For discussions about academic philosophy, visit the r/AcademicPhilosophy subreddit.

  7. (about 30K members)

    Street epistemology is a term coined by the American philosopher Peter Boghossian in his book “A Manual for Creating Atheists”. The subreddit r/StreetEpistemology helps people examine their beliefs and the reasons behind them, thereby promoting a more rational approach to belief formation.

  8. (about 30K members)

    There is more to political philosophy than just reading “The Prince” by Machiavelli. If you are looking for in-depth discussions, head over to the r/PoliticalPhilosophy subreddit, where philosophy meets politics.

  9. (about 30K members)

    Have you just finished reading William James’ book “The Varieties of Religious Experience” and want to talk about the philosophy of religion? Then visit the r/PhilosophyofReligion subreddit.

  10. (about 20K members)

    r/PhilosophyTube is a subreddit for discussions about Philosophy Tube, the YouTube channel produced by Abigail Thorn.

  11. (about 20K members)

    Solipsism is a philosophical theory that asserts that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. If that sounds intriguing, then head over the r/solipsism and join the discussion.

  12. (about 20K members)

    Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that explores the basic structure of reality. For discussion about that, head over to the r/Metaphysics subreddit.

  13. (about 20K members)

    Do you like reading books on the topic of Philosophy? Well, the other members of the r/PhilosophyBookClub subreddit like reading them too. Join them for some friendly conversations.

  14. (about 10K members)

    If you like philosophy and math, then you might also like the philosophy of math. The r/PhilosophyofMath subreddit is a place where you can talk about philosophical aspects that are related to mathematics.

  15. (about 10K members)

    You may have heard of the philosophical writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, a 13th-century Italian Dominican friar. If you are interested in Catholic philosophy, check out the discussions on the r/CatholicPhilosophy subreddit.

  16. (about 10K members)

    The subreddit r/VeryBadWizard is an online community centered around the podcast “Very Bad Wizards,” hosted by philosopher Tamler Sommers and psychologist David Pizarro.

  17. (about 9K members)

    The subreddit r/AdvaitaVedanta is a community dedicated to discussing and exploring the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, which emphasizes non-dualism and oneness of the self with the ultimate reality.

  18. (about 9K members)

    Do you prefer rationalism or empiricism? Both are theories, within epistemology (the branch of philosophy that studies knowledge). If that sounds interesting, then you can visit the subreddit r/epistemology.

  19. (about 8K members)

    If you are looking for something funny rather than serious, have a look at r/DeepPhilosophy which is “a joke subreddit for posting philosophy or thoughts that are anything but deep.”
